Upgrade networks, storage and DCIM to support the internet of things

Upgrade networks, storage and DCIM to support the internet of things



Datacentre networks, storage and security infrastructure will need to be reassessed to support the data growth predicted by the adoption of the internet of things.

According to analyst Gartner, the internet of things (IoT) has a potential transformational effect on the datacentre market, its customers, technology providers, technologies, and sales and marketing models.

In a report, The Impact of the Internet of Things on Data Centers, Gartner noted that the IoT would connect remote assets and provide a data stream between the asset and centralised management systems.

Those assets would then be integrated into new and existing organisational processes to provide information on status, location and functionality.

"IoT deployments will generate large quantities of data that need to be processed and analysed in real time," said Fabrizio Biscotti, research director at Gartner.

Processing this data will lead to new workloads requirements in the datacentre, he said.

Gartner warned that the growth of IoT will lead to more storage capacity. Gartner recommended that the focus must be on storage capacity, as well as whether or not the business can harvest and use IoT data in a cost-effective manner.

In terms of networking, Gartner expected IoT would dramatically change data use, which could mean networks will be required to support the transfer of  massive amounts of small message sensor data to the datacentre for processing, dramatically increasing inbound datacentre bandwidth requirements.


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